Great Marriages does not advocate for staying in abusive relationships.
If you are in an abusive relationship please contact Safe Harbor at (920) 452-8611.
Some of the best advice I ever heard for a relationship was to compliment your significant other during a fight. This has a two fold effect: first - you will stop saying angry things and fueling the fire of the fight, second - you will remember what you love about that person and begin to soften your heart to what is making you upset. In this moment, you are choosing love. You may not feel like you love the person at that moment, but you can remember the things you love about them. Love is a choice.
When a couple gets married they promise for better or for worse, they promise to love each other forever. Eventually, the stress of day to day life combined with getting comfortable in your relationship will lessen the feeling of love. It is at this point that we must decide to choose love. Don't forget what made you fall in love with that person, don't forget your plans and dreams, don't forget the promise you made of forever.
When you are fighting because your spouse forgot to take out the trash again or they said some unkind words, remember your promise of forever. If it feels like forever is over, remember why you fell in love and focus on those feelings. Choose love, every single day.
If you need help getting through a difficult time, call Great Marriages at (920)783.6142.
Ways to choose love every day:
Let go of the little things. (More of life is "little things" than you may think.)
Pay attention to your partner.
Learn your significant other's Love Language.
Accept and celebrate your spouse's differences and uniqueness.
Be flexible with your partner. While agreement is the goal, sometimes you need to concede to the other’s wishes.
Send love notes—a card, text, voicemail, email, post-it note. Tell them why you love them!
Say “yes” more often than “no.”
Schedule time alone together, don't ever stop dating your spouse!